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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Wedding Decorations

When having a holiday wedding, many people choose to use the current holiday's natural decorations. This can be fun. You can have a nice Christmas or Easter or Patriotic wedding. Things may be cheaper and more readily available. It helps encourage you to use things that are currently in season which also brings down cost.

However, don't feel pressured to decorate your wedding for the holiday. It's your wedding. You can have it be whatever color or theme or decorations you want. Keep yourself open to suggestions and opinions of others, especially anyone whose contributing financially, and then choose what helps keep the feel you're hoping for.

My own wedding was right on top of Valentine's Day, and I didn't want the place surrounded by little naked cupids, red and pink hearts and tacky Sweetheart phrases like, "Puppy Love" and "Tweet me". (Okay, people didn't tweet when I got married, but you get the point.) So I had bright yellow and white summer daisies in the middle of winter! And guess what? It was beautiful and I'm just as married as I would have been with the Valentine's decor if that really is your heart's desire.

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