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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Children at the Reception

It's a good idea to make a plan for children at your reception. (Assuming they're invited.) You should consider a few things for children to do. You know the ones -- they're stuck hanging around the reception all night. (Whining, running, eyeing the cake and generally making it hard for their adult counterparts.)

Ideas might include: kid-friendly food (such as hot dogs, mac ‘n cheese, eatable centerpieces) if your chosen food isn’t kid friendly, coloring pages and crayons, some sort of craft, or even a movie in another room. If you are serving a full meal and having dancing at the reception that should be enough to entertain the children. But if it’s a lot of sitting around and talking, the kids may get bored; and after tugging on your arm and screaming for an hour or so, they may get rowdy.

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