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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February Contest: Win a free book!

Hey guys! It's time again for a contest. This time you can win a free pre-release copy of my new book, Your LDS Wedding Planner!

This is my easiest contest yet.  All you have to do is publicly blog, post, or tweet about my launch party and include one of these two url’s in your post:
(The short one is nicer for twitter.)  

Then email me a link to your post or tweet at Please put “Launch Party Contest” in the subject line.
For example, I posted the link on my wall on Facebook, so I could send an email like this: 
subject: Launch Party Contest
Ann, I posted your link on my wall at
Notice I set the post visibility to Public. Hope I win the book.

For every way that you publicly and verifiably share the url about my upcoming Launch Party, you get entered into a drawing for my book. This contest runs from now until the last day of February. (That’s next Wednesday.)

NOTE: I will only accept entries where you post the links from an account of your own.  I won’t accept entries where you left the links in someone’s comment stream, or defaced a wiki-page.  That’s called spam. Spam kills puppies.


  1. "Spam kills puppies". I love it!

  2. I totally plugged it on FB and oh deary me, signed out and forgot to copy the link! Will you take my word for it. I really want a copy of your book! Any which way, I'm still super excited for your launch party. It's going to be amazing. :D


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